What's Happening at Brain Power

Thinking Critically

JANUARY 14TH, 2023

Brain Power’s own Dr. Joel Benabu was featured in the Fall issue of Dolce Magazine (2022)! In the article, titled “Thinking Critically About Critical Thinking,” Joel talked about the importance of teaching critical thinking to students of all ages. from the article: “In essence, critical thinking affords students the ability to think independently, to think ‘outside the box.’ It involves a number of competencies by which you can then form judgments about the world,” says Dr. Joel Benabu, BA, PhD, instructor...

Creative Thinkers: Meet Sion!


At Brain Power, we teach our students to be Creative Thinkers.  Creativity is at the heart of innovation, driving insights and learning, and expanding what’s possible. Almost all of our programs across mathematics, language, public speaking & more are imbedded with learning experiences to build creative thinking skills! Given our focus on creativity, we were thrilled to receive the news that our language arts student, Sion, was published in Polar Expressions. His poem “Body Argument” was selected as honourable mention and he received a copy of his...

Critical Thinkers: Meet Gurkaram!


Critical Thinkers are active thinkers who evaluate and analyze information in order to determine the best course of action. Critical thinking is a focus of our Public Speaking Academy program where young orators learn to develop and refine their arguments over the course of one year. Meet our public speaking student Gurkaram!  Gurkaram was new to public speaking this year but has already engaged in classical debate, studied logical reasoning and fallaciesand has been inspired by critical analyses of famous historical speeches. He also recently joined us...

Resilient Leaders: Meet Karna!


Resilient leaders have the ability to sustain their energy level under pressure, to cope with disruptive changes and to adapt. They bounce back from setbacks. They move forward, despite the odds, to lead themselves and others. We work hard to help our students become resilient leaders through stretch goals, challenging curriculum, eye-opening field trips & more.  We also work closely with many high performance student leaders to help them juggle the extracurricular and academic demands! Meet our Senior 2 student, Karna, who is a competitive Karate...

Winter 2023


What an amazing Winter at Brain Power! Dr. Marcelo Bacha is testing 3D-printing projects for our new Brain Designers: Engineering workshop!

Resilience: Meet Dawne!


At Brain Power, we teach our students the importance of resilience.  Adapting and tackling obstaclesthat arise will be the key to succeeding in the workplace of the future. For many high potential students, success can be easy so teaching resilience is hard! We are so proud to showcase our student Dawne Shen. She has been at Brain Power for several years in our Language Arts, Math & Problem Solving, and Public Speaking programs. Dawne is a straight-A student at school and both Dawne and her parents sought out Brain Power specifically to challenge Dawne...