Our Instructors

CEO & Instructor

Vanessa Iarocci, CPA, CA

Vanessa is an authentic and energetic leader known for her passion for education and innovation, which she brings to her role as CEO and co-owner at Brain Power! 

Vanessa earned her Bachelor of Commerce, CPA designation and was selected to complete a post-graduate certificate in innovation at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. Following this, Vanessa spent over two decades in increasingly senior positions at PwC and TD Bank Financial Group. She then honed her entrepreneurial skills as the CEO of a national school apparel company, where she led an innovative turnaround and growth strategy. As an Executive-In-Residence at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management, Vanessa has developed curricula, case studies and mentorship programs for MBA students, including the world’s first MBA course exploring social innovation, as well as contributing to leading research on innovation and leadership. She also recently designed the ‘Scale-Up’ Program for the MaRS Discovery District, a playbook for Canadian CEOs seeking to scale companies globally. Vanessa has also authored multiple thought leadership papers that have been featured in major media outlets, including the Wall Street Journal, Forbes and the Globe and Mail.

Drawing on her 20 years of experience at some of the world’s leading firms and as a CEO, Vanessa has already lead instruction in exciting new courses at Brain Power that expose students to cutting edge business and investing concepts, including preparing them for the prestigious Wharton Investment Competition and providing insights and experience with the Stanford business design framework and other business theories. She is also active in providing career and admission mentorship, preparing and coaching our students in admissions, presentations and professional career strategies. During her tenure at Brain Power, Vanessa has also also spearheaded an expansion across multiple campuses, a virtual school and new curriculum.


Jason Boulet, Honours B.A. (Minor in Classics), M.A. , Ph.D. (English Language and Literature)

Jason completed his undergraduate degree at Mount Allison University and his master’s degree at Queen’s University. He then completed his doctoral studies at Queen’s, where his research was funded by a prestigious Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Canada Graduate Scholarship. For his graduate studies, Jason chose to specialize in Victorian literature, with an emphasis on poetry, Pre-Raphaelitism, aestheticism, and decadence.

Jason has published academic articles and book reviews in peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Pre-Raphaelite StudiesVictorian Poetry, and the University of Toronto Quarterly. In his time at Queen’s University as a teaching assistant and instructor, Jason taught material ranging from the medieval period to the 20th century, and he acted as full instructor in courses at the first-, second-, and fourth-year levels, in areas including historical surveys of British literature, Romantic poetry and poetics, Victorian literature and culture, nineteenth-century constructions of selfhood, Gothic fiction and monstrosity, and fin-de-siècle literature.

Jason is a dedicated and passionate teacher, who believes in taking an interdisciplinary approach that connects the cultural riches of the past to the everyday experiences and concerns of his students. He encourages them to develop (or simply to deepen) a genuine enthusiasm for the arts and humanities, improving their critical thinking, reading, and writing skills in the process.


Jenn Chenkin, Honours B.A. (Minor in History), M.A., Ph.D. (English Literature)

JennJenn completed her Honours B.A. in English and History at the University of Toronto before relocating to England to complete her M.A. and Ph.D at Queen Mary, University of London. Her dissertation was fully funded by a Queen Mary Overseas Research Student Award and a Queen Mary Principal’s Studentship.

As a course convenor, lecturer, and teaching assistant for undergraduate and graduate students, Jenn has over 10 years’ experience at the university level, teaching at both Queen Mary and Goldsmiths Colleges at the University of London. Her research interests include book history, the theatre, letter-writing, satire and rhetoric, Romanticism, the Gothic, the Victorian novel, literary coteries, and spectatorship. A versatile and knowledgeable teacher, she has taught literature ranging from the medieval period to the 20th century, as well as critical theory and research methodology.  Jenn has published reviews and done peer review for journals such as The London Journal and The Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, as well as organized an international conference called “Text and Trade: Book History Perspectives on Eighteenth-Century Literature” in 2012.]

Jenn believes that a teacher should be caring, invested, and enthusiastic and brings this attitude with her every day to the classroom. She has always been interested in promoting student engagement and fostering a lifelong love of learning, and she has been known to organize reading groups and scholarly outings for her students, broadening the scope of education to make it fun and accessible. For this reason, Jenn has also participated in student outreach programs designed to make higher education more accessible to youth from less privileged backgrounds.

Director & Academic Campus Head, Halton

Cassandra Chapman, Honours B.A., M.A. (Linguistics), Ph.D. (Cognitive Science of Language) 

Cassandra earned her Ph.D. from McMaster University, and the focus of her doctoral studies was on the Cognitive Science of Language. Her doctoral degree was funded by a prestigious Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Canada Graduate Scholarship. During her PhD studies, Cassandra also completed a visiting term at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and was funded by the Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement. Cassandra’s dissertation investigated how sentence structure (syntax) and sentence meaning (semantics) affect reading times in language processing.

Cassandra has taught undergraduate courses at University of Toronto, McMaster University, Brock University, and Sheridan College. She has also earned teaching certificates from the MacPherson Institute for Leadership, Innovation and Excellence in Teaching at McMaster University and Woodsworth College at the University of Toronto. As an educator, Cassandra recognizes that all students enter the classroom with unique backgrounds, experiences, and learning styles. She embraces this diversity in her teaching and utilizes a variety of teaching methods in the classroom. As an educator, Cassandra aims to inspire students to think critically about the world around them and to never stop learning.

Student Achievement and Extracurricular Advisor

Adam Richter, Honours B.A., M.A. (History), Ph.D. (History and Philosophy of Science and Technology)

As an undergraduate student at Glendon College, the bilingual campus of York University, Adam earned a Specialized Honours bachelor degree in History. After completing a Master’s degree at Dalhousie University, he earned his doctorate at the University of Toronto’s Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology. Adam’s research focuses on the history of science in seventeenth-century England, particularly the relationship between science and religion in that period. He has received numerous academic awards, including the prestigious Nathan Reingold Prize, which is awarded by the History of Science Society for the best essay by a graduate student. Adam’s research has been published in prominent academic journals including Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science, for which he also served as guest co-editor for the December 2018 issue.

Adam’s teaching is informed by the wide range of experiences and interdisciplinary training described above. He has instructed three courses at the University of Toronto and given numerous guest lectures at U of T and elsewhere. Most recently, he taught a course on the history of astronomy at the University of Toronto Mississauga. As a teacher, Adam strives to create a stimulating, humorous, and accepting classroom environment for all students. He is particularly passionate about encouraging students to become stronger writers and speakers. Whether they need to work on fundamentals or advanced techniques, students can count on Adam’s help to hone their communication skills.

Director of Senior Language Arts Faculty

Oscar Jarzmik, Honors B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (History – Middle East Studies)

OscarOscar earned his undergraduate degree from York University (Toronto, ON) and his M.A. and Ph.D from the Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations at the University of Toronto. As a graduate student, Oscar specialized in the history and politics of the modern Middle East (Eastern Mediterranean). More specifically, he concentrated his studies in the Humanities on: a) the intellectual formations of state/colonial rule in the Middle East; b) how “power” is inscribed into the built and cultural environment of cities.

As a graduate student, Oscar lectured and instructed sessions at the University of Toronto and Ryerson University. Over the years, he has also been involved in several social justice, educational, and community-building initiatives both locally and internationally. Oscar is an enthusiastic educator who believes in using an interdisciplinary, interactive approach to help students develop their interpersonal and critical thinking skills. Brain Power is so fortunate to have a brilliant language arts instructor who places great value in conscientious learning coupled with inspiring bright students to exceed their potential.

Director of Primary Language Arts Faculty

Hannah Merchant, Dip. E.C.E., Honours B.C.D., M.Ed.

Hannah Merchant Brain PowerHannah completed her Masters degree in Education at York University, also obtaining a graduate diploma in early-childhood education. She has been a keynote speaker for the Association of Early Childhood Educators of Ontario on the topic of “Practitioner Self-Image and Advocacy for the Field.” She has also traveled to a developing country, where she provided workshops for teachers and educators who live and work in marginalized communities. Most recently, Hannah has provided workshops on pedagogical documentation for childcare programs in York Region. Over the last decade, Hannah has also organized and participated in various fundraising events that have benefitted the York Region Community, such as those for the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the Markham Stouffville Hospital.

Pairing her love for learning with her passion for teaching, Hannah utilizes a “strength-based” approach when working with children and their families. She believes strongly that each child and family bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the classroom, and that these strengths should be recognized, celebrated, and respected. Outside the classroom, Hannah has many years of experience working with domesticated animals. She enjoys reading and writing, travelling, scuba diving, and is learning how to paint.

Academic Campus Head, Markham

Ryan Fics, B.A. (Honors), M.A., Ph.D. (Comparative Literature)

Ryan Fics earned a Bachelor of Arts (honours) and a Joint Master of Arts in Religious Studies from the University of Manitoba and the University of Winnipeg, and he holds a PhD in Comparative Literature from Emory University. Ryan has several years of experience working as a “Reading Teacher” with students in Grades 3 and 4. He has taught a broad variety of courses in the humanities, including courses on Classical Literature, Antiquity, Political Philosophy, Animal Studies, Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century English Literature, and oral presentation courses at the University of Manitoba, Emory University, and Wesleyan University. More recently, Ryan has taught Introduction to Ethics in the Centre for Ethics at the University of Toronto. Currently, he is a private high school teacher and continues to regularly attend national and international conferences. He has published articles and interviews in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters in presses such as Palgrave Macmillan. Along with teaching, Ryan is working on a book about animals, AI and climate change.

Ryan’s goal as an educator is not to teach, but to awaken. His teaching methodology involves facilitating a fun, interactive learning environment for the thoughtful acquisition and continuous development of the necessary tools students need to thrive in a changing world. Much of Ryan’s teaching methodology includes enhancing understanding and motivating curiosity in the student population by helping his learners gain mastery over the foundations of a topic so that they can effectively synthesize, evaluate, and communicate information in compassionate ways. As an instructor at Brain Power, Ryan’s aim is to help his students grow into independent thinkers, so that they can go on to solve difficult problems and make a difference in the world.

Academic Campus Head, Toronto

Stacy Costa, B.A. (Semiotics & SocioCultural Anthropology, minor in Sociology), M.A., Ph.D. (cand.) Education

Stacy A. Costa is a doctoral candidate in a collaborative program in the Department of Curriculum Studies and Teacher Development at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) and the Collaborative Program Engineering Education (ENgEd). She received her honours B.A. and her master’s degree from the University of Toronto. Her master’s research explored how mathematics discourse fosters design thinking and knowledge building in the elementary classroom.

Stacy is passionate about making learning simple, engaging, and accessible to students of all ages.  She assists in solving knowledge, skill, and attitude gaps, helping students grow personally and professionally. She has extensive knowledge of STEM learning initiatives and works to integrate students into an innovation-driven knowledge society. Stacy is also an enigmatologist, puzzle designer, and public speaker. She speaks to various groups and professionals on the importance using puzzles to introduce problem-solving and STEM understanding in education. Her Ted Talk has garnered many views, and she enjoys it when students can have their “Aha!” moment.

Academic Campus Head, Toronto

Kaitlin Ruether, Honours B.A., M.F.A. (Creative Writing)

Kaitlin earned her B.A. from the University of Victoria and an M.F.A. from the University of Guelph’s competitive Creative Writing program, where she focused on fiction and playwriting and completed a novel as her thesis. Her writing addresses themes of environmental impact, Canadian identity, and nostalgia in our era of the internet. Kaitlin’s work has been published in literary journals across Canada and the United States, and her plays have been produced in Victoria, British Columbia. She was recently longlisted for the Jacob Zilber Prize for Short Fiction! In her spare time she works as a freelance journalist for the Canadian media publication, Exclaim!

When teaching, Kaitlin believes in creating an environment where students feel safe and excited to share their ideas. She fosters enthusiasm about the material and works to see inspiration thrive. As a life-long learner, Kaitlin is thrilled to be a part of the stellar team at Brain Power and to be working with the incredible students!


Ana-Maria Jerca, Honours B.A., B.Ed., M.A., Ph.D. (Cand.) Linguistics

Ana-Maria is a Ph.D. candidate in linguistics at York University, where she also completed her M.A. and B.A. She has presented sections from her Major Research Paper (the capstone of her Master’s degree) at academic conferences in three countries. Currently she is in the process of publishing more of her doctoral work in academic journals and applying for scholarships with which to fund her research.

Besides her research, she is deeply passionate about teaching! Thanks to her bachelor’s degrees, Ana-Maria has taught at multiple levels in a variety of settings (from young students to university undergraduates and almost everywhere in between). She loves opening her students’ minds and helping learners understand material in new ways. Her teaching philosophy can be summed up in a simple quotation: “Education is about inspiring one’s mind, not just filling one’s head.”


Mason Wales, Honours B.A. (English & American Studies), M.A. (American Cultural Studies), Ph.D. (cand) Media Studies

Mason is a PhD candidate in Media Studies at York University. She holds honours degrees in English and American Studies from the University of Toronto and a Master’s Degree in American Cultural Studies from Western University. This interdisciplinary education afforded her the opportunity to cultivate expertise across disciplines in areas such as social science methods, literary theory, political philosophy, political history, and the history of technology. Her writing and research focuses on the connections between political culture and popular media and has been published in national and international journals. Her recent article on Hannah Arendt’s idea of ‘natality’ in relation to US political television, published in the Canadian Review of American Studies, received The Canadian Association for American Studies Ernest Redekop prize.

Like her academic work, Mason’s approach to teaching is grounded in making connections. Years of undergraduate teaching taught her that a broad educational foundation is the key to unlocking students’ potential. Mason uses an interdisciplinary perspective combined with active and participatory learning strategies to build students’ critical thinking and communication skills while helping them develop the flexible competencies that encourage ingenuity. 


Katherine Maloney, Honours B.A. (English Literature), B.A. (Philosophy), M.A. (English Literature), M.Ed. (Secondary Education), Ed.D. (Educational Leadership)

Katherine completed her Honours B.A. in English Literature and B.A. in Philosophy at Lakehead University and her M.A. in English Literature at Queen’s University before relocating to Karachi, Pakistan to complete a Fellowship in International Development Management at the Aga Khan University’s Institute for Educational Development (IED). Inspired by her experiences at IED, she decided to change course and pursue a career in education, teaching at various international schools, including the Aga Khan Academy in Nairobi, Kenya, the International School of Kenya, Lahore American School, the American International School of Johannesburg, and the International School of Beijing. Katherine has also earned an M.Ed. in Secondary Education and an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership, with a focus on teacher professional development, and is actively engaged with the International Baccalaureate Organization, serving as an examiner, workshop leader, and school visiting team member.

Over the years, Katherine has taught IB, AP, and IGCSE English and Theory of Knowledge (TOK) as well as Journalism. In addition to English and philosophy, she is also passionate about Model United Nations, student leadership, and service learning. Katherine’s pedagogical approach is student-centred, inquiry-based, and collaborative. She is committed to holding all of her students to the very highest expectations while meeting each student’s unique strengths, interests, and needs.


Aparna B. Srikanthan, B.A. (English & Psychology), M.Ed., Ph.D. (cand.) Education

Aparna B. Srikanthan holds a double major in English Literature and Psychology. She obtained a Masters of Education from the University of Toronto and is currently pursuing a doctoral degree at the same institution. 

Aparna’s research interests are primarily focused on educational policies, with a particular emphasis on understanding how they impact student learning outcomes. With over 15 years of teaching experience, Aparna is deeply committed to engaging with young minds through interactive and immersive teaching practices that have the potential to transform students’ learning experiences. She is passionate about exploring innovative approaches to education and strives to empower students to become independent and lifelong learners.


Zoryana Babiy, Honours B.Sc. (Biology, Psychology, Chemistry), M.Sc. (Neuroscience), Ph.D. (Cand.)

Zoryana completed her B.Sc. at the University of Toronto with a double major in Biology for Health Sciences and Psychology, and a minor in Chemistry. She then completed her M.Sc. in the Neuroscience program at McMaster University. Her M.Sc. thesis focused on evaluating the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for treating postpartum depression. Currently, Zoryana is completing her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at McMaster University, with her research focused on postpartum mental health.

Zoryana’s work has been published in peer-reviewed journals including the American Journal of Psychotherapy and the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. She has served as a teaching assistant in numerous undergraduate courses in the Faculty of Science, including Human Nutritional Toxicology, Global Human Health and Disease, and Epidemiology. Zoryana also has experience with elementary and ESL education, as well as serving as the co-president of her graduate program at McMaster University.

Zoryana’s teaching philosophy can be explained by a quotation from Martin Luther King, Jr.: “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.”


Sarah Meehan Sirk, B.Sc. (Math and Philosophy)

Sarah Meehan Sirk is a writer, producer, and broadcaster. She’s the author of the critically-acclaimed short story collection The Dead Husband Project and the upcoming novel Like A Mother (2024), both published by Doubleday. Sarah’s writing has appeared in The Globe and MailCanadian Art magazine, spacing magazine, numerous online outlets and literary journals, and is anthologized in The Journey Prize Stories. She has written and produced award-winning shows for CBC Radio One, been nominated for a Gemini award and won Excellence in Journalism Award from the Society of Professional Journalists.

With a background in theatre, a degree in math and philosophy, a graduate certificate with distinction from The Humber School for Writers, and a couple of young kids of her own, Sarah is a passionate instructor who brings a multi-faceted approach to her teaching and a longstanding dedication to the fostering of the arts.


Sonia Masih, B.Sc. (Honours Biology, Double Major in Modern Western History), B.Ed., J.D.

Sonia completed a Bachelor of Science Honours Biology with double major in Modern Western History at the University of Toronto.  She then went on to complete her Bachelor of Education. Since then, Sonia has taught a wide variety of classes from Grades 4-12 in Math, Science, STEM, Language Arts, History, Geography, World Issues and Law.  After years of teaching Grade 11 and 12 law, Sonia applied to law school, completing her Juris Doctor at the University of Ottawa with a focus on Criminal Law.  Sonia went on to practice law in Ottawa and the Greater Toronto Area. She has also published educational material for Grade 11 and 12 law courses through the Ontario Justice Education Network and continued to judge and coach mock trial competitions both as a teacher and lawyer.  In 2017, Sonia returned to work as an educator in the private sector with a significant amount of time teaching gifted students.

Sonia is no stranger to public speaking. She excelled in her trial advocacy courses, has presented in court and has been a judge for public speaking competitions. She is a strong believer in helping students and youth use their voices to be an agent of positive change within our society. Sonia is a dynamic and engaging educator who strives to encourage students to rise to their full potential as advocates and public speakers.  She has a passionate commitment to creating meaningful educational experience and nurturing a positive, growth mindset in her students.


Heather Read, Honours B.ArtSci (Arts and Science and Religious Studies), M.A. (Folklore), PhD (Leadership, Adult and Higher Education)

Heather is an interdisciplinary researcher and educator. She spent over a decade in the cultural sector, working in and with museums and art galleries across Canada, including The Rooms Provincial Art Gallery in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador; the Yukon Arts Centre in Whitehorse, Yukon; and the Royal Ontario Museum. In much of her cultural career, her work had an educational element, from leading classes and tours for visiting school groups, to designing educational components of curated shows. She has also worked in healthcare research and history research, and she has taught arts-based courses at the graduate level at York University/Toronto Metropolitan University and the University of Toronto. She has published in both academic and popular periodicals, as well as in online formats across diverse sectors. 

A patient and caring instructor, Heather is passionate about ensuring all students feel inspired and engaged in their learning journeys. As a practitioner of oral history research, she is deeply curious about what makes individuals motivated in their learning and encourages students to reflect on the way their learning resonates in their own lives. In other areas of her life, Heather enjoys playing with her young kids, puttering in her garden, hiking in ravines and kayaking on the lake. 


David Calloway B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (English, Rhetoric and Writing Studies)

David earned his B.A. in Humanities and Communications from California State University (Monterey Bay), his M.A. in Rhetoric and Writing Studies from San Diego State University, and his Ph.D. in English (Rhetoric and Writing Studies) from the University of Alberta. David has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in the United States and Canada. Originally from California, David has taught writing, critical thinking, and research methods courses at San Diego State and CSU Monterey Bay, the University of Alberta, and the University of Toronto. 

David believes that to teach writing is to teach rhetoric and critical thinking. Students that think rhetorically understand that writing is a performance that requires the author to engage the audience. He believes the role of a writing teacher is to foster the skills necessary to write in any given situation. For students to be successful in their academic and professional lives, they need to be able to communicate effectively. Throughout his teaching career, David has had the opportunity to work with a diverse group of students and faculty who have influenced his approach to the teaching of writing and public speaking.


Dylan Skurka, B.A., M.A. (Ancient Philosophy), Ph.D. (Cand.) Philosophy

Dylan is a Ph.D. candidate in Philosophy at York University. He received his B.A. and M.A. from Western University, where he specialized in Ancient Philosophy. Currently, his research focuses on the phenomenology of altered states of consciousness. Passionate about conveying the value of philosophy to a broader audience, Dylan writes extensively on the intersection between philosophy and pop culture. His film reviews and poetry have been published in Philosophy Now, one of the world’s leading philosophy magazines, and his chapter on the ethical themes explored in the dystopian show The Last of Us will be included in the forthcoming book The Last of Us and Philosophy.

As a teacher, Dylan prides himself on his ability to connect with his students. His priority is to help build a fun, supportive class environment that fosters intellectual curiosity and openness to learning.


Srijan Batra, Honours BA, MA (Communication, Popular Culture, & Film), PhD (ABD | Communication & Culture)

Srijan earned his BA from Wilfrid Laurier University, MA from Brock University, and PhD (ABD) from York University.  He is a leading expert in media literacy and the fight against mis/disinformation in Canada.  He currently works as a policy advisor/assessor for the International Fact-Checking Network, an international body that oversees the health of journalism and fact-checking globally.  He has also presented and given talks at numerous national and international conferences, including at the University of Pennsylvania.    

His teaching experience spans over a decade, where he has held teaching positions at post-secondary institutions in Canada and Spain.  Srijan currently serves as a professor at George Brown College (Toronto, ON), where he teaches courses at the intersection of media, culture, and philosophy.  At Brain Power, he serves as an impassioned instructor of public speaking, continually motivating his students to challenge their comfort-zones and accelerate their journey towards mastering the art of effective public communication.


Kornelia Drianovski, Honours B.A. (English and Anthropology), M.A. (English)

Kornelia earned her M.A. from the University of Toronto’s Department of English, specializing in the Field of Creative Writing. Her graduate studies were funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Canada Graduate Scholarship. Her works of fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction have been published across various Canadian literary journals, ranging from The Ex-Puritan to Canadian Notes & Queries.

During her studies at the University of Toronto, Kornelia served as a teaching assistant, leading various tutorials in creative writing. Prior to this, she worked as an Art Instructor at Oakville Galleries. As an educator, Kornelia treasures curiosity and embraces empathy-based teaching methods. In her role as an instructor, she strives to ignite critical thinking, instill self-confidence, and cultivate a profound passion for learning.


Victoria Hetherington, Honours B.A. (English Literature), M.A. (Communications & Culture)

Victoria earned her B.A. at the University of Toronto in English Literature and her M.A. in Communications and Culture from Toronto Metropolitan University. Her graduate thesis was an experimental creative writing project that won two grants from the Ontario Council and later became her first book. Victoria is a storyteller with NPR’s The Moth, an educator, and an author. Her debut novel Mooncalves (Now or Never Books, 2019) was shortlisted for the 2020 Amazon Canada First Novel Award, her sophomore novel Autonomy (Dundurn / Rare Machines) received international praise, and her nonfiction book, Into The Mist, Finding CDF-JDO (Kestrel Publications, 2023), explores a decades-long mystery in northern Saskatchewan, uniting and elevating lesser-heard voices to tell a remarkable story.

Victoria is deeply passionate about teaching and sharing her lifelong love of literature. Throughout her graduate degree in the capacity of TA, she learned how to assist students in writing about a number of complex subjects, adapting quickly to accommodate a range of learning styles. For years on a freelance basis and with the Writers’ Collective of Canada, Victoria has tutored students in literature, essay-writing and creative writing, targeting areas that include reasoning, style, and language use. As a teacher, Victoria brings a warm enthusiasm to her work, and always fosters a safe and encouraging classroom environment in which students may feel comfortable expressing their ideas and feel fully supported in realizing their potential.


Sofia Martimianakis, B.A. (English Literature), M.A. (Literary Studies)

Sofia completed her B.A. in English Literature at Trinity College, University of Toronto, and her M.A. in Literary Studies at the University of Waterloo. She is a creative writer, renewable energy reporter, and fractional marketing specialist based in Toronto. Her poetry, nonfiction, and photography has been published in a variety of literary journals and she released Island Life to City Life as part of Heinemann’s Shared Reading Collection.

With over a decade of tutoring experience, Sofia has worked with many neurodiverse students over the years. She specializes in knowledge translation, adapting complex information to be accessible and engaging for her audience. As a devoted Guider with the Girl Guides of Canada, Sofia has the honor of program planning and instructing workshops on creative writing, Canadian history, science, exploring identities, and nature discoveries.

In the classroom, Sofia fosters a collaborative learning environment where students work together to solve problems and cultivate essential teamwork and communication skills. This approach not only nurtures a sense of community but also encourages peer-to-peer learning, enriching students’ understanding and appreciation of course material.


Naela Choudhary

Naela is a veteran media professional with more than two decades in the television industry. She has produced and directed numerous popular award-winning television series for major networks in Canada and the US, including Property Brothers, You Gotta Eat Here!, Late Nite Eats, and Project Bakeover, for which she received a Canadian Screen Award nomination for Best Direction.

Naela has also created her own series, I Do… Let’s Eat! for Food Network. The series ran for three seasons as a top-ten rated show in Canada and aired in 135 countries, earning a Gemini Award nomination for Best Lifestyle Program or Series. Naela began her career as a journalist at CBC, where she worked as a researcher, writer, and news anchor at CBC Newsworld. She is known for her strong editorial skills and her ability to coax a great interview out of anyone. With her diverse background in the industry, she is familiar with every stage of television production from concept through to completion.

Naela also works as a performance trainer for on-air talent. She excels in helping people shine on camera – even if they have no broadcast experience – and is passionate about mentoring young people. Known for her supportive and approachable style, Naela creates a fun and collaborative learning environment, encouraging students to develop confidence and build on their unique strengths while learning new communication skills. She looks forward to helping Brain Power’s students master the art of presenting and effectively telling their own stories.


Akhila Jeyatheesan  B.A. (Psychology), M.Ed. (Cand.)

Akhila earned her undergraduate degree in psychological and mental health studies from York University in Toronto, ON, and is currently pursuing her Masters of Education at Niagara University in New York, USA. With over five years of teaching experience, Akhila has worked with students from every grade, ranging from Kindergarten to Grade 12. Akhila teaches English and Social Sciences/Humanities at a post-secondary level, as well as teaching American Sign Language (ASL) to first-year university students. She also acts as an ASL interpreter for the Durham District School Board, advocating for students who are Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing. 

Akhila’s enthusiasm as an educator lies in empowering her students to embrace their unique potential and cultivate confidence in their learning journey. She consistently encourages her students to make a positive impact both inside and outside the classroom. Her dedication to nurturing young minds is evident in her approach to teaching, where she goes above and beyond to help her students reach their fullest potential.


Amanda De Iuliis, R.E.C.E., B.C.D

Amanda is an energetic and passionate early childhood educator with a bachelor’s degree in child development from Seneca College, King City. For almost two decades, she has worked with children from infancy to age twelve, gaining a wealth of knowledge and experience about educating young students. Amanda has also collaborated with non-profit organizations and early intervention services within York Region to support children and families experiencing challenges with growth and development. To expand her understanding of the needs of families and children dealing with adversity, she also acted as a Child Life volunteer at the Hospital for Sick Children, assisting the Emergency department and the General Surgery department in developing resources and programs for families.

Amanda is very enthusiastic and dedicated to her teaching practice, which is informed by her knowledge of children’s brain development, social development, and emotional development. Amanda knows that children thrive when they are provided with new and exciting learning opportunities and experiences. As a result, she ensures that she provides such opportunities for her students in every class.  She also organizes fundraisers in the York Region and reading clubs in coordination with the Richmond Hill Public Library. Amanda believes it is imperative for children to be in environments that emphasize their strengths and advocate for their overall wellbeing. Her unique and creative methods for teaching are beloved by her students, and she is an expert in working with our very youngest, bright minds!


Chamuel Araya, B.A. (Sociology)

Chamuel has an Honors Bachelors of Arts in Sociology and a post-graduate certificate in Marketing Management. During his time at Ryerson University he was part of Ryerson ToastMasters, a public speaking group consisting of all ages and all levels of speakers. Chamuel has won multiple awards through various ToastMasters competitions, from Best Speaker to being a Finalist in the Division Area E52 Competition.

Chamuel continued his public speaking journey by teaching for various clubs, after school programs, and educational institutions; this led him to having over two and a half years of public speaking teaching experience. Chamuel is a strong believer Walt Disney’s claim that “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.”  He thinks that nothing is impossible with the right amount of diligence, creativity, and fun. His teaching philosophy focuses on helping students find their own style of public speaking, one suited to their own unique voices and personalities. Chamuel aims to create a positive impact in the lives of his students by building up their confidence in their public speaking skills to aid in their future careers and achieve their goals.


Hannah Ehman, B.A. Honours (Theatre and Drama Studies)

Hannah is a multidisciplinary artist, actor, host  and holds a Specialist Honours Bachelor Degree in Theatre and Drama Studies and minor in Anthropology from the joint program between University of Toronto Mississauga and Sheridan College. She has trained at Second City, Pro Actors Lab, On the Mic Voiceover Studio and Shaw Festival Theatre. She teaches public speaking and improv in various academies and workshops across Canada. 

She is continuing her studies in ESL education from Humber College. She’s passionate about helping students in finding and sharing their voice. Getting to know and celebrate the unique viewpoint of each student throughout the term is truly invigorating!


Jennifer Walton, B.A. (Theatre and Dramatic Literature)

Jennifer has been teaching acting, public speaking, and presentation skills to talented young people for more than 30 years. She also leads team-building workshops and provides coaching for the corporate world. As Co-Director of The Creative Theatre Company, guest teacher-director with Shakespearience, Artist in the Classroom with the Hamilton and Catholic School Boards, and sought after guest workshop artist, Jennifer has empowered thousands of youth and adults alike to embrace the power of their presence.

As a playwright, Jennifer is the recipient of the 2021 Voaden Prize in playwriting for GUN PLAY (after the gun goes off). Her short plays have been featured in festivals around the world. As an actor, she most recently appeared in the critically acclaimed production of Your Own Sons – Same Boat Theatre and The Soldier’s Tale – Amphion Ensemble, Hamilton. Recent film credits include Things I Do for Money – filmed entirely in Hamilton! Other acting credits include Diary of Anne Frank and The Woman in Black – Theatre Aquarius.  She directed The Tragedy of Othella Moore at the Hamilton Fringe Festival 2016 where it won Best of Fringe.

Jennifer has a degree in theatre from Brock University, studied with the Broadway legend Uta Hagen, and has spent many years studying theatrical clown with Helen Donnelly and Francine Cote of Cirque du Soleil fame.


Juliann Garisto, B.A. (English, Minor in Philosophy), M.A. (English, Creative Writing)

Juliann is a writer and editor who received her M.A. in English and Creative Writing from the University of Toronto. She writes fiction, creative non-fiction, and the occasional poem.  Juliann is determined to share what she has learned in her creative practice and her academic pursuits with students of all ages and walks of life. Juliann believes that anyone with a basic education can learn to write; good writing is chiefly a practice of being able to sit still, listen, and focus. 

Juliann is passionate about education and sincerely convinced that any student has the potential to excel in any given field, so long as they have the interest and the motivation. Having assisted in teaching university courses (including Creative Writing, Effective Writing, and Intro to Canadian Literature), Juliann has learned that not everyone absorbs knowledge in the same way. She believes that good teaching involves being able to cater to students who have unconventional learning needs, but also pushing students out of their comfort zone, encouraging them to take risks and to not be afraid of making mistakes.


Julie Ann Phillips B.A.(Sociology), B.Ed., M.Ed.

Julie obtained her B.A. from McMaster University in 1994. After losing her mother to Breast Cancer in 2003, she left a successful career with Canada Trust to follow her true passion and obtain her B.Ed. and M.Ed. at Medaille College. She taught at a private school in Mississauga for three years before transitioning to the Peel District School board in 2007, and she has been teaching various grades since that time. 

She is a firm believer in the power of positivity and strives to bring that attitude into her classroom. She is a dedicated and passionate educator who firmly believes that when children are empowered to take chances in their learning they gain the confidence and self-esteem to be risk takers and independent thinkers. She believes that when educators and families work together as a team to encourage and support the child, anything is possible! 


Lisa Martin, B.A. (Geography, Sociology), B.Ed.

Lisa earned her Honours Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of Toronto in 1988, specializing in Sociology and majoring in Geography. She then completed her Bachelor of Education at Queen’s University in 1989, specializing in the Primary and Junior Divisions. For over 30 years, Lisa has been actively involved in teaching primary and junior students with the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board. 

Lisa is a dedicated and hard-working teacher who is passionate about creating a positive, supporting, and engaging learning environment. Her love for teaching continually inspires her to foster student curiosity with motivating lessons and activities. Her commitment is to provide the best possible learning experience, so her students develop a lifetime love of learning.  


Rosemary Genova, Honours B.A. (History and Politcal Science), B.Ed., O.C.T.

Rosemary earned her Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in History and Political Science and her Bachelor of Education both in 1997 at York University. For the past 24 years, Rosemary has been a dedicated member of the York Catholic District School Board. During her tenure, she has taught various grades, from FDK to Grade 8, demonstrating a commitment to ensuring every student receives a high-quality education. 

Rosemary’s teaching philosophy is a testament to her passion for education and unwavering belief in each of her students. She believes in setting clear learning goals and differentiating instruction to accommodate diverse needs, ensuring no student is left behind. Rosemary recognizes the importance of building positive classroom environments rooted in honesty and mutual respect. She believes in motivating students to achieve their potential, and challenging them to become critical thinkers. 


Vivian Policelli, Honours B.A. (French & Italian, Minor in Spanish), B.Ed.

Vivian completed her Honours Bachelor of Arts at the University of Toronto in 1995, specializing in the French and Italian languages with a minor in the Spanish language.  Following graduation, Vivian pursued a career in Information Technology, where she was able to use the French language to complete her daily tasks as a Contract Specialist. After several years working in I.T., Vivian decided that it was time to fulfill her dream of becoming a teacher.  In 2004, Vivian completed the Professional Program in Education at D’Youville College in New York. Since then, she has been working as a French language teacher with the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board.

Vivian’s passion for teaching and dedication to her students is evident in her classroom.  She provides an engaging learning environment that encourages all students to achieve their highest potential.  Differentiated instruction and the use of technology in both her planning and delivery of the curriculum, form the foundation of her well-organized classes. Vivian works closely with students, offering encouragement and positive reinforcement, while providing an enriched curriculum in a safe and respectful learning environment.


Naomi Angert, B.A. (Early Childhood Education), B.Ed

Naomi completed her B.A. in early childhood education. She then went on to complete her B.Ed. at York University. During her studies, she worked as a Research Assistant for the Brain and Early Experience Lab at Toronto Metropolitan University. Naomi worked with families and young children to support them when participating in research studies and organized and transcribed research data. Naomi has worked as a Registered Early Childhood Educator for over 5 years. Most recently, she has been teaching students from FDK to Grade 3 and collaborating with families with the Toronto and York Region school boards. 

Naomi is passionate about fostering curiosity, critical thinking, and creativity through inquiry-based learning. She believes that students learn best when they are actively engaged in exploring questions and seeking answers. She has a personal and professional interest in the science of reading and actively partakes in professional development to continue her learning in supporting students’ early literacy skills. Outside of the classroom, Naomi enjoys drawing, dancing, hiking, and reading. She values arts education and recognizes its ability to cultivate children’s imagination and expression. 


Chantell Tran, Honours B.A.Sc. (Early Childhood Studies), M.T (Cand.) 

Chantell completed her Honours Bachelor of Applied Science In Early Childhood Studies from the University of Guelph-Humber. As a current Master of Teaching student at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto, Chantell is passionate about creating inclusive and meaningful learning opportunities for all students. She is currently completing her research, where she is focusing on the assessment of automatic promotion on students’ success. More specifically looking at the intersection of individual learning needs and educational gaps that can impact students’ academic and social success.

With over 7 years of teaching experience, Chantell has worked with children from infancy to age fourteen, gaining new perspectives and knowledge about educating students. Through a culturally relevant and responsive pedagogy approach, Chantell is dedicated to creating a welcoming learning environment for all, in which students can grow to their fullest potential. As a lifelong learner, Chantell is excited to be part of an amazing team at Brain Power.


Olga Fridman, B.Sc., B.Ed., M.Ed., M.Sc. (Mathematics – Differential Geometry)

OlgaOlga Fridman holds Masters degrees in Mathematics and Education (Honours Specialist in Gifted Education) from the University of Toronto. She is an experienced mathematics teacher with nearly three decades of teaching in the Toronto District School Board.

Olga’s love of educating bright young minds is evident in her student-centred and inspiring approach to teaching; she is excited by critical thinking and creative problem-solving techniques, and shares her passion for mathematics with gusto. Olga is thrilled to bring her expertise in both teaching and mathematics to Brain Power.


Ella Gutin, B.Ed., M.Ed. (Mathematics)

Ella Gutin has a B.Ed, M.Ed and Mathematics Degree, she has taught in three different countries where she received many teaching certifications. Ella began her career in Russia, where she taught in an elementary school. Later she moved to Israel, where she taught mathematics in grades 1-10 and received teaching certificates from the Ministry of Education and Culture of Israel. She has also received training and implemented special education programs for gifted children and for children with learning disabilities. Upon coming to Canada she received her teaching certification and has been teaching continuously. She experienced all three-education systems and gained great knowledge and experience dealing with different students, situations, expectations, and curriculums. She is passionate about math and her goal is to inspire young minds to see the beauty of math.

While working in all three countries she always tried to develop and implant programs and methodologies to students of different levels, she strengthen her expertise in classroom management, student relations and learner retention as well as gaining in depth knowledge of children’s developmental psychology. Ella is always researching and implementing new techniques and methods to create better and more effective lesson plans.


Sana Spektor, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Mathematics)

Sana Spektor received her two PhDs from the Department of Mathematics at the Dnipro State University and the University of Alberta. Throughout her teaching career, she has had opportunities to interact with students at all stages of life, from grade school to college, at the university level and post-degree, in classroom, online, and one-on-one settings. The insights she has gained into how students learn have helped her to make the teacher that she is.

In Sana’s experience, the three biggest obstacles to learning are a student’s belief that math is boring, math is impossibly difficult, or math is irrelevant to real life. In response, she has developed a threefold teaching philosophy. Make math interesting: Sana brings excitement and a storyline to her classes, using energy and enthusiasm to teach ideas, guiding students along a path where each new concept is a natural consequence of the previous and a natural precursor to the next. Make math possible: Sana makes sure her students understand that while a problem may be long or difficult, they have all the tools needed to solve it. Make math relevant: Sana stresses that mathematics has a profound impact on our daily lives, and she provides real-life examples where mathematics is used.


Zhen Wang, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Applied Mathematics)

Zhen Wang earned her Ph.D. from the University of Waterloo, a globally leading math program in North America. Her research interests broadly include building and analyzing mathematical models for a variety of biological systems. Recently, she has been working on projects involving the effect of disease latency, and optimal vaccination strategies using systems of delay differential equations. She has published seven academic articles in the field of biological mathematics.

Zhen has tutored over 20 undergraduate-level university courses during her doctoral studies and taught Calculus I, II, III, Linear Algebra, and Differential Equations after graduation. She enjoys teaching and supporting her students through their academic journey and brings with her extensive knowledge and passion for math!


Marcelo Bacha, B.Sc. (Physics-Education), M.Sc. (Material Science & Technology), Ph.D. (Material Science & Engineering)

Marcelo completed his undergraduate degree in Physics-Education and his master’s degree in Material Science and Technology at Sao Paulo State University Julio de Mesquita Filho. He completed his doctoral degree in Material Science and Engineering at the University of Sao Paulo.

Marcelo worked for six years as a monitor and an amateur telescope maker at the Astronomical Observatory Lionel Jose Andriatto, and for two years as a teacher in one of the biggest Astronomical Observatories in Brazil CEU Foundation. During this time he coauthored the book Construção e utilização de lunetas no ensino de astronomia (The Construction and the Use of Telescopes in Astronomy Teaching). He also has four years of experience in university-level Mechanical Engineering departments, teaching physics, thermodynamics, heat and mass transfer, CAD, as well as supervising capstone projects and undergraduate research.

As a teacher, Marcelo believes in the Paulo Freire theory, which says that true education provides freedom by teaching students how to learn through critical thinking.


Vadim Tyuryaev, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Cand.) Statistics

Vadim is an international educator and a data scientist with extensive academic and industry experience. A PhD candidate in Statistics at York University, he holds a M.Sc. in Statistics from Texas Tech University, and a US teaching license. 

The background of Vadim’s teaching career spans over 10 years and includes multiple countries such as Mexico, Bahrain, China, and the United States. He has taught at top international schools whose graduates attend leading North American universities.

Vadim’s teaching philosophy is centred around the belief that extensive practice and a focus on mental mathematics are essential to a comprehensive understanding of mathematical fundamentals. In his classroom, he prioritizes the development of a strong foundation in mathematics, recognizing the crucial role that it plays in a student’s academic success. He also believes in the power of artificial intelligence (AI) as a tool to support education and to make it more personalized and efficient. He views AI as a tool to provide targeted and individualized instruction that caters to each student’s unique learning style and needs. By leveraging the power of technology, he aims to create a dynamic and engaging learning environment that inspires his students to reach their full potential.

Throughout his career, Vadim has honed his teaching skills through a wide range of experiences in diverse cultural contexts. These experiences have taught him to be adaptable, flexible, and empathetic, enabling Vadim to connect with students from various backgrounds and create inclusive learning environments that foster academic growth and personal development.


Keegan Dasilva Barbosa, Ph.D. (Mathematics)

Keegan completed his Ph.D. in Mathematics at the University of Toronto. Shortly after, he served as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Fields Institute for Mathematical Research where he wrote several papers on Mathematical Logic and Ramsey Theory. Keegan has several years of teaching experience, ranging from teaching at the graduate and undergraduate level to  teaching younger children as a tutor.

Keegan believes that the best way to learn mathematics is by actively engaging with the material. He finds the art of teaching extremely important in this regard, as instructors play an active role in how engaged students are with the material. Despite having a Ph.D. in a very abstract field of mathematics, Keegan believes in a relational approach whereby we give problems context and meaning to better understand them and their significance. As mathematics is fundamentally about problem solving, Keegan believes sparking a student’s passion in the subject is a surefire way of improving critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.


Denis Gorodkov, Ph.D. (Mathematics)

Denis Gorodkov completed a Specialist program (Master’s equivalent) in Mathematics at Moscow State University. He then earned his Ph.D. in Mathematics from the prestigious Steklov Mathematical Institute in Moscow, where his doctoral research focused on combinatorial topology—a branch of pure mathematics that aims to distinguish between multidimensional triangulated objects.

With over 12 years of experience teaching at all levels, from elementary to graduate school, Denis views research and teaching as complementary endeavors: one is about creating knowledge, while the other is about sharing it. His teaching repertoire includes a wide range of courses, from introductory mathematics to advanced topics that extend beyond the classical curriculum, including experimental and competition mathematics.

Denis believes in fostering a classroom environment that encourages critical thinking and problem-solving. He employs a variety of teaching methodologies to cater to the diverse learning styles of his students, aiming to make mathematics both accessible and engaging. From a personal point of view, Denis considers one of his main goals in teaching mathematics to be sharing the passion he has for the subject, his vision of mathematics, and its beauty.


Nataliya Portman, Ph.D. (Applied Mathematics)

Nataliya received her Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from the University of Waterloo, followed by postdoctoral training at the Neurological Institute in Montreal. Following her postdoctoral assignment, she developed a novel approach to brain tissue classification in early childhood brain MRIs using modern Computer Vision pattern recognition and perceptual image quality models. Nataliya has worked as a Lead Data Scientist in many industries including neuroscience, biotech, materials science, digital media and various start-up software companies. Throughout her career, she has applied her expertise in Applied Mathematics to develop numerous predictive models including but not limited to machine learning algorithms, computationally efficient algorithms for model validation, and neural networks.

Nataliya’s passion for sharing knowledge of mathematics has led her to teaching Calculus subjects at the University of Waterloo and Advanced Mathematics of Machine Learning at George Brown College. In her mathematics classes, Nataliya focuses on a 4-part “recipe” for success: 1) understanding the structure of reasoning (e.g. analysis and synthesis, comparison, abstraction, generalization), 2) developing a genuine interest in the subject (with the help of logic games and tasks), 3) developing the ability to independently acquire knowledge on the subject, 4) developing the ability to speak on the subject with clarity, concision, and accuracy. All in all, Nataliya believes that the joy of math lessons lies in students’ ability to correctly state their thoughts, be in a constant internal dialogue with the teacher, doubt something, disagree and look for rational ways of problem solving based on clear understanding of what they need.


Gurpreet Singh, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Cand.) Sustainability Management

Gurpreet Singh is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Sustainability Management at the University of Waterloo, specializing in sustainable development practices in outer space. With an M.Sc. in Earth and Space Science from York University, Gurpreet’s academic journey is marked by a deep engagement with complex scientific concepts and a passion for practical, real-world applications.

Prior to joining Brain Power, Gurpreet amassed over seven years of experience in the aerospace and defense industries, where he specialized in the development of sophisticated optical systems and project management. His roles ranged from leading multi-disciplinary teams at Honeywell Aerospace to enhancing trade compliance processes at L3Harris Wescam. Gurpreet’s industry experience is complemented by his academic tenure as a Research Assistant and Teaching Assistant at York University, where he developed and characterized optical systems for atmospheric and space science applications and supported undergraduate courses in Physics and Space Science.

Gurpreet is passionate about education and thrives on making complex subjects accessible and engaging to students of all ages. His approach to teaching is informed by his extensive research and professional experiences, which allow him to provide students with a unique perspective on how mathematical concepts are applied in cutting-edge scientific and engineering projects. At Brain Power, Gurpreet is excited to foster an environment of curiosity and discovery, helping students connect theoretical knowledge with practical applications and empowering them to solve the challenges of tomorrow.


Aziz Hurzook, B.Sc. (Chemical Physics), M.A.Sc. (Systems Design Engineering)

Aziz completed his Master of Applied Science at the University of Waterloo. As part of a research group known for its ground-breaking study of next-generation AI, he successfully developed the oscillator interference model of visual motion perception. Neuromorphic AI is now part of the next wave of low-power machine learning around the world.

Aziz was the founder of a non-profit STEM outreach group that served two inner-city Toronto schools. He proved how university-level math, science and engineering could be used to apply the concepts of the Grade 6 and 9 Ontario curricula, with ground-breaking results. As a successful entrepreneur, Aziz was the winner of Canada’s Top 40 Under 40, Maclean’s Magazine 100 To Watch, ICCC Young Entrepreneur of the YearBDC (Ontario) Young Entrepreneur of the Year, and featured in Canadian business media.

Aziz is a proponent of unified narrative learning, the notion that all learning is fundamentally a story-telling exercise of the brain. He says, “I think it’s just how the mind makes sense of things,” and points to the similarities between seemingly disparate fields like mathematics, language and art.


David Boroto, BASc., MPhil (Engineering)

David graduated from the University of Toronto with a BASc in Engineering Science, before pursuing his MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development at the University of Cambridge. His academic research focused on investigating the infrastructure enabling environment to uncover ways to improve infrastructure project development in low-income countries. He brings with him a multidisciplinary and multicultural background, having lived and worked in Canada, Guatemala, Kenya, Uganda, Denmark, and the UK. He now works as an infrastructure advisory consultant at Mott MacDonald Canada and volunteers as the Chair of the Engineers Without Borders Canada Board of Directors.

Born in South Africa to Congolese parents, David is a “third culture kid” Canadian with a global outlook. He is dedicated to creating a world in which every individual has the opportunity to achieve a fulfilling life. If he were not an engineer, David would be a full-time teacher. Education runs in the family, as his grandfather was a school headmaster in the DRC. David loves the process of explaining challenging concepts and seeing the joy in students’ faces when they understand a new topic. His approach to teaching focuses just as much on the process of how to find the answer as it does on getting the right answer. He is excited to bring his love of education to Brain Power and work with its many bright students!


Alia Mazhar, Honours B.Sc. (Health Science and Kinesiology), M.Sc., PhD (Cand.) Kinesiology

Alia completed her Honours B.Sc. at York University with a major in Health Science and Kinesiology. She then went on to complete her M.Sc., which focused on using sport as a mechanism to improve the well-being of marginalized populations. Currently, Alia is working towards obtaining her Ph.D. in Kinesiology and Physical Education at the University of Toronto.

Alia has a passion for science communication and has published her work in peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences and the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity. In addition, she has served on multiple conference committees creating spaces for the next generation of scientists to share their work. Alia has supported the development of curriculum for undergraduate students and served as a Teaching Assistant for a number of undergraduate courses. The essence of her teaching philosophy is best described by Jean Piaget, “The principal goal of education in the schools should be creating men and women who are capable of doing new things, … men and women who are creative, inventive, and discoverers, who can be critical and verify, and not accept, everything they are offered.”


Robert Coutts, Specialized Honours B.A. (Humanities), B.Ed., M.Ed.

Robert earned his Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education degrees at York University and his Masters of Education from Mount Saint Vincent University. Robert is a student-centred teacher, who has been teaching with the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) for twelve years.

He is a teacher with a dynamic form of classroom engagement, which encourages positive equitable behaviour and academic excellence, allowing students to feel both challenged and worthwhile. Robert also is a teaching specialist in integration of information and computer technology in instruction. Outside of the classroom, Robert can be found coaching volleyball at his school, watching TV/movies, playing Nintendo Switch, or working on home renovations.


Samantha Camardo, Honours B.A., B.Ed., M.Ed.

Samantha earned her Honours degree in Law and Society in 2017, completed her Bachelor of Education in 2019, and then went on to obtain her Master of Education in 2020 while simultaneously earning a graduate diploma in Language and Literacy. By invitation, she is a member of the Golden Key International Honour Society at York University, and has earned additional teaching qualifications in Mathematics and Special Education. She has also volunteered for organizations like Toronto’s Inner City Outreach Program and participated in The Shoebox Project campaign which works to aid local women impacted by homelessness.

Samantha believes it is important to remember, as Bill Nye says, that “everyone you will ever meet knows something that you don’t.” This insight is behind Samantha’s teaching philosophy that education is a holistic practice that involves the work of many. She understands that the lived experiences of her students and their families are crucial to cultivating a learning environment that extends well beyond brick-and-mortar buildings so as to inspire life-long learning rooted in passion.

Samantha’s passion for education stems from her grandfather Diego; an immigrant from Italy who worked hard to provide for his family and moved to Canada to make all of their dreams possible. She is forever indebted to him for inspiring her to become a “professore” just like her Uncle Joe.

Director of Math & Problem Solving

Jennifer Pritsker, Honours B.Sc. (Biomedical Science), B.Ed., OCT

Jennifer earned her undergraduate degree and teaching education at York University. She is extremely passionate about math and science education, and has inspired bright students at Brain Power and across Canada for over a decade. Jennifer has 10 years of experience teaching and curriculum development at Brain Power and university settings. Jennifer completed high school at William Lyon Mackenzie C.I, in the MaCS Program, and is keenly aware of the importance of engaging bright, talented students in enrichment education. She works closely with Brain Power students to support them in preparing for entrance exams to enriched programs and independent schools.

Jennifer engages students to create a classroom environment conducive to learning, inspiration, inquiry, and exploration. Jennifer’s student-centered approach helps students develop a growth mindset by ensuring they build their knowledge from a strong foundation while empowering them to tackle challenging problems independently and with peers. Jennifer makes sure her students know they can succeed in anything with effort and determination!


Anthony Di Corte, Honours B.Sc., B.Ed., M.Ed. (Developmental Psychology) 

Anthony Di Corte completed his B.Ed in 2018, then went on to obtain an M.Ed. in Developmental Psychology in 2020. His specialties include mathematics and science for all grade levels, but he is also passionate about (and certified to teach) special education, including gifted and enrichment programming.

His teaching philosophy is modelled on a quotation from Albert Einstein: “Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.” He believes that we, as educators, have a responsibility to guide our learners to think critically beyond the curriculum and beyond the the classroom.

Anthony strives to make his classroom an inclusive, diverse, and safe-space for all learners while fostering a cohesive and balanced learning environment.


Zebina Jiwani, Honours B.Sc. (Psychology), B.Ed., M.Ed. 

Zebina earned her B.Sc (Honours Psychology) and B.Ed in the York university concurrent program. Upon graduation she taught in rural Alberta for three years, until coming home to earn her M.Ed at OISE.  Zebina has 30 years of teaching experience, most of which has been spent teaching Math at a Toronto high school. As a result, she is well versed in curriculum development and assessment strategies.

Zebina passionately believes that all students are capable learners.  Her classroom motto is “Firm, Fair, and Friendly.” She embodies the principles of universal design for learning in her classroom to optimize her students’ engagement and success by providing information and content in a variety of ways, and encouraging her students to use various ways of expressing what they know. Zebina is very excited to bring her experience and enthusiasm for teaching Math to Brain Power!


Tara Fesharakinia, B.Sc., M.Eng. (Biomedical Engineering)

Tara is an experienced educator who holds a Master’s in Biomedical Engineering from Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson). With over 8 years of experience in teaching Math and Science in various schools and institutions, Tara makes complicated mathematical concepts easy to understand for her students. Tara believes that math can be enjoyable and exciting, and she enjoys making her classes engaging and fun for her students. 

One of Tara’s key strengths is her ability to make individualized learning approaches for each of her students based on their abilities. She understands that every student has a unique learning style, so she tailors her teaching methods to meet the specific needs of each student. Tara takes the time to get to know her students’ strengths and weaknesses, and she helps them to develop their knowledge and skills. She creates a comfortable and supportive learning environment that allows her students to feel confident and motivated to learn. She also uses creative and innovative teaching methods that keep her students interested in the subject matter, and she encourages her students to think critically and develop problem-solving skills. Additionally, over the years, Tara has helped many students with math contests and prepared them for the future. Her dedication and commitment to her students have enabled many of them to excel in their academic pursuits.


Abigail Fisher, Honours BSc. (Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour), M.A. (Cand.)

Abigail is a Master of Arts student at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto. She is also a proud alumnus of McMaster University where she studied Psychology, Neuroscience, and Behaviour (Mental Health Specialization). Abigail holds positions as a researcher at the University of Alberta and Unity Health Toronto. She has won awards for her master’s thesis proposal and has presented her research at many conferences across Canada. She is currently researching the implementation of mental health services in Ontario’s public schools. 

Abigail is dedicated to student success and well-being. She believes that all students have the potential to succeed and wants to support as many students as she can on their education journeys. As such, she is a peer academic success coach at OISE and was previously a tutor to secondary school students. Abigail has worked with students from all ages and brings enthusiasm and laughter to language arts. She has been praised for her dedication and teaching in writing.   


Lauren De Fulviis, Specialized Honours B.A (Kinesiology and Health Sciences), B.Ed.

Lauren completed her B.A. in Kinesiology and Health Sciences and her B.Ed. at York University. She is passionate about math and science and strives to develop a love for these subjects in her students through fun and engaging learning environments. Lauren is an OCT member and her teaching certifications include elementary, secondary Health and Physical education, as well as Grade 9-12 science.

At the core of Lauren’s teaching philosophy is a strong belief in utilizing student approaches that empower their sense of self and encourage them to cultivate skills needed for becoming not only the best version of themselves but also successful global citizens. Lauren is committed to using multi-modal and diverse techniques that deviate away from banking models of education within her teaching practice. By doing so, she fosters an inclusive space for learning that aids in developing critical thinking skills needed for lifelong learning.


Stephanie Marando, Specialized Honours B.A (Kinesiology), B.Ed.

Stephanie completed her specialized Kinesiology degree in 2017 and completed her Bachelor of Education in 2019 at York University.  Her teaching specialties include mathematics and science for all grade levels, and she is also certified to teach physical education, special education, family studies, guidance and careers, and social science courses.

At the core of her teaching philosophy lies a desire to empower the next generation, so that they may succeed and make lasting, positive contributions to society. Using a multi-modal approach to teaching, she fosters students’ critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. By creating a nurturing and inclusive learning environment, she aims to instill not only subject-specific knowledge but also essential life skills that transcend the boundaries of the classroom.