What's Happening at Brain Power

Order of Vaughan


In 2016, Dr. Karine Rashkovsky (pictured left), Founder and Director of Brain Power, was nominated for the Order of Vaughan. Karine’s nomination was supported by letters of reference from Bill Fisch, former CEO and Chair of York Region and Dr. Sandra Schecter, full professor (and former graduate studies director) at York University’s Faculty of Education. What an honour! Congratulations, Karine! At Brain Powers opening gala, in the foreground: Bill Fisch (far left), Karine (second from left), and Sandra Schecter (far right).

Much Ado About Nothing


On November 19th Brain Power students attended a performance of William Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing” at Hart House Theatre (University of Toronto). This classic comedy follows the confusions and misunderstandings of two young couples over the “nothings” spread by rumour, gossip, and eavesdropping (i.e. “noting”). Students discussed the play during the intermission and immediately following the performance. Discussion was led by our very own Shakespeare expert, Dr. Joel Benabu!

Annual Shakespeare – 2016/17


Every year Brain Power offers students the opportunity to see a live Shakespeare performance!** This year the play of choice was “Much Ado About Nothing,” and students went to see it performed at Hart House Theatre (University of Toronto).  This classic comedy follows the confusions and misunderstandings of two young couples over the “nothings” spread by rumour, gossip, and eavesdropping (i.e. “noting”). Students discussed the play during the intermission and immediately following the performance. Discussion was led by our very own Shakespeare expert, Dr....

Joanne Foster


Gifted education specialist, Joanne Foster enlightened our Brain Power parents on “The Secrets to Raising Happily Productive Children.” Joanne Foster is the author of “Not Now, Maybe Later: Helping Children Overcome Procrastination” and the co-author of “Beyond Intelligence: Secrets for Raising Happily Productive Children.” Many people came out to hear Joanne Foster talk about how to raise happy, productive children!

Notable Social Entrepreneur Award (Ontario)


In 2016, Brain Power’s Founder and Director, Dr. Karine Rashkovsky (pictured left), was nominated (and received the highest number of votes) for the Social Entrepreneur of the Year in Ontario (Notable), which recognized her creation of innovative solutions to the problems of both status-quo-proliferating education and accessibility to top-caliber programs for high-achieving students. `Congratulations, Karine!

Terry O’Reilly

OCTOBER 19TH, 2016

Brain Power had an incredible evening with Terry O’Reilly, host of CBC’s “Under the Influence” and THE guru on all things advertising related (we even made the news. ) We learned so much from his engaging talk, especially about the art of persuasion! He truly enlightened Brain Power students, their families, and guests — all gained a wealth of knowledge about creativity, speech-writing, marketing, rhetoric, and, perhaps most of all, being passionate. Thank you, Terry O’Reilly!  Click images to enlarge