Brain Power is thrilled to share some university entrance success stories from students who attended our University Preparation workshop this past fall!
Ellie Rebarbar received offers from Schulich at York, Rotman Commerce at the University of Toronto, and the University of Waterloo. She received the Governor’s Award of Distinction from York (worth $32,000 over four years), and she will be attending Schulich in the fall!
Serena Ge received offers for a co-op program in Computer Science and Business Administration with the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University, Ivey and Software Engineering at Western University, and Computer Science at the University of Toronto. She will be joining the Computer Science and Business Administration program at Waterloo in the fall!
James Aliev received offers from Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto (co-op), Computer Engineering (co-op) and Computer Science at the University of Waterloo, Engineering (co-op) and Computer Science at McMaster University, Engineering at Queen’s University, Engineering (co-op) at Western University, and Computer Science at York University. James will join the Computer Engineering program at the University of Toronto in the fall!
Otilia Iancu received offers for a double degree in Law and Criminology with the University of Sussex and Wilfrid Laurier University, Social Science and Criminology at Western University, Environment and Business (co-op) at the University of Waterloo, as well as Psychological and Health Sciences and Rotman Commerce at the University of Toronto. Otilia will join the Psychological and Health Sciences program at the University of Toronto in the fall!
Krishna Basani received offers from Life Sciences at McMaster University, Life Sciences at the University of Toronto, Life Sciences at Queen’s University, and Medical Science at Western. She will be attending McMaster in the fall!
Daniel Khazin received offers from Schulich at York, Rotman Commerce and Management (co-op) at the University of Toronto, Business Management at Ryerson, and Western University. Daniel will be attending Schulich in the fall.
Arya Mane received offers from Business Administration at the University of California Santa Barbara, Business Administration at UC Irvine, Data Science at Carnegie Mellon University, Computer Science and Business at the University of British Columbia, Ivey at Western University, Computer Science and Business (double degree) from the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier, Schulich at York, Business Administration at Lehigh University, Data Science and Business at Northeastern University, and Business Administration at the Georgia Institute of Technology. She will be joining the Data Science program at Carnegie Mellon in the fall!
Ryan Khandaker has accepted an offer from the University of Waterloo in the Nanotechnology Engineering program. He will be joining the Nanotechnology Engineering program at Waterloo in the fall!
Daniel Davidovich received offers from Information Technology and Kinesiology at York University, International Economics and Finance at Ryerson University, Business Technology Management at Ontario Tech University, and several Business programs at Trent University, He will be attending the Information Technology program at York in the fall!
Daniel Bondarev received offers from Life Science at McMaster University, Health Science and Medical Science at Western University, Psychological and Health Science at the University of Toronto, and Health Science at Wilfrid Laurier University. He will be joining Life Science at McMaster in the fall!