ClimateWise Passion into Practice Award – 2018
2018 Winner!
By Brain Power in Awards and Accolades
October 31st, 2018
Brain Power is honoured to have been selected as the winner of the ClimateWise Passion into Practice Award for 2018!
The ClimateWise Passion into Practice award is presented to a business that has demonstrated a holistic, integrated approach to embedding sustainability principles throughout their own operations, as well as the products or services they provide to customers and/or partners.
Brain Power received the award on May 31st at the 2018 ClimateWise Evening of Recognition at which our very own Dr. Karine Rashkovsky acted as an MC!
We proudly display the Passion into Practice award (pictured above left) in our conference room. The awards themselves deserve some attention! The wood for the awards was sustainably harvested from Sheppard’s Bush (a 62 acre local conservation area) and created and crafted by a local millwright. Wow!
Karine (second from right) and some of this year’s other winners, including representatives from Miele, Meridian Credit Union, Regional Municipality of York, Enbridge, Holy Trinity Church of Thornhill, Treefrog, City of Vaughan, and Arla Foods